Why go to Natchaya Clinic in Bangkkok for cosmetic procedures?

2017-09-06 00:58:21 by Andrea Hernandez

Natchaya Clinic is one of the best clinics in Thailand’s exhaustive list of clinics. This clinic is situated in Bangkok and continues to deliver safe treatments for their customers. The clinic has a team of specialized doctors who are all dedicated to take care of a patient’s aesthetic concerns

With Medical Departures you will be able to know more about this amazing clinic in Bangkok. We gather all the necessary information that will help patients access the most affordable and best medical care providers anywhere in the planet. Our clinics are all certified offering various treatments at the best prices guaranteed .

Natchaya Clinic is located in Bangkok and the team of surgeons is dedicated to the care of their patients, inside and out. The clinic offers an extensive range of quality cosmetic and plastic surgeries including the face and brow lifts. Are you a candidate for a brow lift? You might consider taking this surgery when you have:

  •  Excess skin hanging over your eyes
  •  Deep horizontal lines across your forehead
  • Frown lines between your eyes
  •  A tired and grumpy appearance because of sagging eyebrows

This surgery, also known as forehead lift, tightens the soft tissue above the brows, wrinkle lines and banishes the sagging skin.

A facelift is a surgical procedure intended to correct imperfections in the face. The advantages of having a facelift is that it will improve many facial imperfections in a single procedure making the patient look years younger. The average patient will enjoy this for at least 10 years. Patients with the following are ideal candidates for a successful procedure:

  • Deep lines extending from your nose to the corners of your mouth (nasolabial folds)
  •  Lines from the corner of the mouth down the chin (marionette lines)
  • Jowls
  • Sagging skin
  • Creased and sagging skin in the neck
  • A double chin

Procedures like brow and face lifts at Natchaya Clinic cost a lot less than in other countries. Refer to the table below that our staff at Medical Departures has prepared to illustrate the estimated costs of the two procedures:








$ 28,153.00

$ 18,000.00


$ 5,798.00

$ 6,276.00

$ 4,600.00






















Get to know everything you need about the facility before booking a procedure. Reading a recent Natchaya Clinic review and seeing the excellent ratings given by past patients that have undergone the procedure is a great way to remove doubts and concerns.

Want to see visual evidence of what can be achieved at the Natchaya Clinic? Before and after photos are provided for patients to see some of the spectacular results that other patients have obtained.

Bangkok should definitely be your next destination for your cosmetic surgeries. You can’t go wrong visiting one of its finest clinics. With Natchaya Clinic, your “beauty is in good hands.”

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