
Parkway East Hospital

5.003 Reviews Singapore , Singapore

About Parkway East Hospital

Parkway East Hospital is based close to the East Coast Park waterfront in Singapore. They offer a wide variety of medical services that includes an in-depth, comprehensive health screening programme.

The Parkway East Hospital is located in Singapore, conveniently close to the East Coast Park waterfront by Marine Parade. This modern, custom-built facility offers a wide range of medical services, from Nutrition & Dietetics, Radiology and Imaging Services, to in-depth Health Screening programmes.

The hospital is renowned for its comprehensive health screening services, delivering first-class, bespoke programmes to meet the needs of both individuals and corporate organizations alike.

At Parkway East Hospital, their underlying philosophy focuses on proactive solutions rather than reactive treatments. They believe in preventive care methods and encourage their patients to take control of their health by being aware of potential risks that could be present as a result of their family medical history or current lifestyle choices.

Parkway realize that not all health problems show obvious symptoms early on, which is why they have developed a range of health screening programmes that are tailored to each patient’s individual health needs.

Their experienced medical team work with each patient to devise the most effective health screening programme for each individual. They will also be there to provide any necessary medical care that may be required, and also help implement any lifestyle changes that may need to be incorporated to ensure optimal health in the future.

They also have a comprehensive range of additional medical services that include:

• Diagnostic & Technology Services
• Audiological Services
• Clinical Laboratory Services
• Radiology & Imaging Services
• Nutrition & Dietetics

To find out more about the services available at Parkway East Hospital, or to book an appointment, get in touch with the Medical Departures Customer Care Team today.

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Prices and Procedures

Medical Check-Up Package
USD 521
1 day

5.003 reviews

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